HomeAngelica’s Story


Angelica Di Camillo for Prahran, smiling hopefully

My name is Angelica Di Camillo. I’m an environmental engineer, St Kilda East local, and your Greens candidate for Prahran at the by-election on February 8.

I put my hand up because I deeply love our community of Prahran. I’ve seen the power of community in my work and life, and I believe we need more locals who aren’t career politicians to represent and fight for us.

If you’re worried about the cost of living, housing or climate crisis, you’re not alone.

Everyone should be able to afford the basics and have a safe roof over their head. But a lot of people are hurting, struggling to meet their mortgage or rent, or worried that their kids will never be able to afford a
home of their own.

Meanwhile, the climate crisis is getting worse.

But there is hope, at the Prahran by-election on February 8 your vote is incredibly powerful.

I put my hand up to run because I deeply love our community of Prahran. I believe we need more locals who aren’t career politicians to represent and fight for us.

If you want positive change, we need more voices outside the two major parties. This by-election will be a close contest between the Liberals and the Greens, Labor’s not running.

The Liberals will push up rents, make it harder to buy a home, give more money to big corporations and take away the rights of our diverse community. This is not who we are.

Both major parties are backing unlimited rent increases, pushing up house prices and giving tax breaks to property investors, and expanding climate-destroying fossil fuels – including gas drilling near the 12 Apostles.

The Greens are working to freeze and cap rent increases, lower the cost of food with price caps on essential groceries and push for real climate action – no more coal and gas.

I have hope. This seat is a contest between the Liberals and the Greens; it’s a chance for Prahran to elect someone who will fight for our community.

We’ll help tackle the cost of living by introducing 50 cent public transport fares, freezing rents and making sure you can see the GP for free.

I won’t promise you that everything will change overnight, but the first step is voting for someone who will work for this community and the things you believe in.

In the February by-election, vote 1 Greens to keep the Liberals out and push Labor to act on the housing, cost of living and climate crisis.

I hope I can count on your vote.

Angelica Di Camillo for Prahran


Angelica Di Camillo is your strong voice for Prahran

Angelica is an environmental engineer, climate strategist and campaigner. She is also a pilates instructor, a dog mum, and an active member of the local Prahran community.

She lives in an apartment in St Kilda East with her partner and, like many in the Prahran electorate, she is facing mortgage, inflation and cost of living pressures.

Angelica grew up in an Italian migrant family. Her Nonna taught her how to grow food in her backyard garden, sparking her love for the environment and connection to the land.

As a young woman in STEM, Angelica has dedicated her career to the clean energy transition and action on climate change. From working in corporate consulting, to engaging with the start-up industry and advising local government, Angelica has sought to find and utilise policy levers to secure wins for our planet.

Angelica has seen the power of community in her work and life, and is someone who believes in the power of politics to improve people’s lives for the better. If you want someone to fight for you, you need Angelica.

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